
Association e.V.

Join the movement!


🇪🇺 eWheels.org Association e.V.!

The eWheels.org Association e.V. was founded in 2014 and is dedicated to helping the community of electric wheelers to flourish. We help the community with knowledge, infrastructure, education, distribution, publications and lobbying.

Funds to support these programs, and the association staff come from memberships, sponsorships, donations and public events.

Join us to help ensure a creative and exciting future for eWheelers all around the world!


🇩🇪 Elektromobilität ist (k)ein Verbrechen!?

Wir ergreifen die Initiative und suchen Unterstützer um gemeinsam aktiv zu werden! Mit unserem Formular kannst Du Dich freiwillig eintragen um unsere Initiative zu unterstützen! Bringe Dich gerne aktiv mit ein, schließe Dich Veranstaltungen an oder bleibe über unseren Verteiler einfach auf dem Laufenden!

Sachstand der Wissenschaftlichen Dienste Deutscher Bundestag:

Jede Stimme zählt!

Our members communicate primarily through private channels or Google+ in multiple groups. The general online community of the association is represented by the eWheels Community, local groups can have their own sub-communities for organisational purposes and to speak with people in their native language.

Getting involved

eWheels.org is built by a team of volunteers, people like you, from around the world.

There are many ways you can help. As an community project, we don’t have employees to provide improvements and support. We depend on our diverse community members to create those valuable assets by working on:

  • moderation
  • user support
  • writing
  • translation
  • design
  • coding
  • video editing
  • testing
  • reviewing
  • training
  • and many other contributions and interests.

We encourage you to explore contributing as a great way to actually learn and make your own experience better!

Why get involved?

More contributions mean less work -- for others and for you. When you contribute to eWheels.org, you don't just help others -- you invite them to get involved as well. When you write an article or answer questions, you invite others to respond with their own helpful comments -- and your words become part of the conversation that steers the our project.

Contributors have a stronger voice in the community. Community work is a meritocracy, and those who build, write, teach, communicate and organize have greater karma and greater influence on the future of eWheels.org.

Contributing helps you learn faster. Nothing will improve your understanding of eWheels like explaining it to someone else -- or taking it apart and fixing it.

Contributions attract good people. Developers, designers, site administrators, writers, students, project managers, business owners -- the eWheels.org community is filled with talented and enthusiastic people, most of whom enjoy working with others like themselves. Contributing is a great way to show your skills and your interests -- and to initiate conversations with the community members who share them.

Ready to get involved?

It takes only a small time commitment to make just one change. If you're ready, sign up as an association member or join the community on Google+.

If you want to take a look at specific tasks various people in the eWheels.org community are working on, go ahead and speak with them.